Leaked Photos Of Sexy Airline Ad Campaign Makes You Want To Join The Mile High Club

You don’t need to tell us that sex sells, but can it sell airline tickets? This one Vietnamese airlines thinks so, what about you?

Awhile back the Vietnamese airline company, VietJet, embarked on a novel idea, SEX SELLS, and tried to implement it into an ad campaign that never took off. The campaign featured fly attendants wearing skimpy outfits and lingerie. These pics were leaked by by one of the models, Ngoc Trinh, but VietJet claims they were never intended to be used.

Whatever the case may be, what we are wondering is, if these were never intended to be used, then what was the purpose of the photoshoot? Either VietJet needs to come out with the truth or look closer at whoever is the head of their advertising department and whether or not he(perhaps she?) used an atrocious amount of company funds to create an elaborate flight themed spank bank.

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Written by Editorial Staff