Ladie K What’s your background?

Ladie K: I am a Korean adoptee, so I am Korean by ethnicity, but my adopted family is a mix of several cultures. You have several occupations, what pays your bills?

Ladie K: I am a model, actress, and filmmaker. Modeling pays most of my bills but I wish acting would pay my bills more often. In the future I hope filmmaking will pay my bills. What came first between modeling and acting?

Ladie K: Acting came first, I started acting at age 11 and then modeling about 10 years later. When did you know you wanted to know you wanted to be in the entertainment industry?

Ladie K: When I was 11 I stepped onto a stage and knew I never wanted to get off. Until then, I wanted to be a farmer, which is a completely different career choice. I kind of still want to be a farmer. Tell us about your film Melody and the Old Sock.

Ladie K: It is a dark fantasy film short filmed in Chicago. I am producing it as Ladie K productions. You can check it out more at It is my 7th film. I hope to get it submitted to Sundance. What are your personal goals for 2011?

Ladie K: I’m super ambitious, I am now incorporated as Ladie K productions, and I hope to expand my company a ton this year, and make a lot of movies! What have you learned as a single mother?

Ladie K: Patience! And lots of it? You mentioned you were a student, what are you studying?

Ladie K: I am a full time student and I’m studying the general arts right now online. I will be going to Columbia majoring in film production and minoring in acting. Where can we find you on the web?

Ladie K: You can find me by Googling me on the web, search “Ladie K.” What’s your final message for readers of Amped Asia?

Ladie K: I am a part of the free will movement, I will not be a prisoner of war. I am here to ask questions, expand minds, and find value and freedom.

I want to thank Amped Asia for this great opportunity to do this interview!

Written by kevinhype