6 Tips to Score a Date this Valentines Day

Thanh Bonsai is a dating coach currently working at LoveSystems. Read his blog at AsianDatingCoach.com

Valentines day is right around the corner. It is a special day for a lot of women, unlike for men. Most of us just want to move on with our day. For women, they want to be with a guy on Valentines day and that guy can be you! I have heard to many times women get depressed because they had no guy for Valentines day. Let’s help out these cute girls by going out with them (and of course for your own benefit!). Here are some tips to score a date on Valentines day.

The work starts now
The very first thing you need to do is to go out and start meeting women now. Give yourself at least a couple weeks to meet women. If you don’t have a couple women in your life right now that you might be able to go out with, you really need to get started now. The longer you procrastinate, the worse it will get.

Fortunately, Valentines day this year falls on a Monday. That means you can go out the weekend before and score a date. Just do not rely on that last weekend. Begin now.

Try different places than you are used to
This is a no brainer. When you follow tip #1, you need to go out. So make it a habit to go out every week and meeting women. If you don’t like the club or bar scene, try out daytime dating (meeting women in the daytime like in coffee shop or on buys shopping streets). Approaching women on a busy shopping might seem scary, but it’s actually more effective than meeting women in a club. Plus women dream of being “unexpectedly swept off their feet” and the busy shopping street is one of example of that.

Networking parties are also great ways to meet women. A lot of the so called “young professional” networking parties are just cover ups for singles to meet other singles. I’ve met many great girls through these type of parties (and it was easy too!).

Don’t rely on one date
Once you are getting phone numbers and/or are friends on Facebook, you have to setup the date. Your best bet to have a date on Valentines day is to arrange two or more dates on that day. Especially when you’ve met women only a couple days ago.

Women within your group of friends will not flake as much, but women who you just met randomly in a bar or coffee shop are more likely to do so. So to protect yourself from having no date on Valentines day, setup multiple dates (this is also a good general rule for dates on other occasions).

Revive all your old numbers
Now is a great time to go through your phone and text all the girls you haven’t contacted in a long time. Especially girls you tried to go out with, but for some reason it didn’t work. Whether or not you think if you have a fighting chance, you really have nothing to lose and only to gain.

Here are two great lines you can use for texting old numbers:
“Hey I just wanted to touch base in case you get rich & famous”
or if you want to be more direct
“Just saw a Jessica B in my phone and I realized it’s tragic we never met up. How are you?”

When she responds, go back and forth a little bit. As Valentines day approaches, figure out what she is doing that day. If nothing, well… you know what to do.

Ask your female friends for single girls
One of the easiest way for meeting women is through your female friends. Girls love playing Cupid, so you better take advantage of that. Next time you’re hanging out with your platonic female friend, ask her if she has any single friends and if she can introduce them to you.

You should have absolutely no shame doing this. I know it sounds scary but women love being asked this question and helping their friends out.

Last resort: online dating
This should be really your last resort. As Valentine day approaches and you have no date(s), hit up the Internet and start messaging girls on dating websites. It’s almost a guarantee you will find a date if you play the numbers game. Why? Girls with no dates lined up will also be on online dating sites.

So there you have it. 6 tips to help you get a date for Valentines day. If put in the work and the stars align, you’ll get yourself a girl who you can spend time with on February 14. It really is not that hard. You can do it!

Once you have a date, skip movie and dinner. That’s so 1999. Instead, go to a comedy show or a bar with live music. You’ll thank me for it later.

Remember, sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. “Yes” is the answer.

Happy dating!

-Thanh Bonsai

Written by Editorial Staff