Amped Asia

Who Watches The Most Porn At Work? China

Who is getting the most pleasure at work? Well it’s the Chinese who watch the most porn while on the job.

A recent study by the enterprise security firm Blue Coat Systems polled 1,580 respondents across 11 countries resulting in a startling discovery: 19% of Chinese employees watch porn on office devices while at work!

This is three times the global average of around 6%. So either the rest of the world has been less truthful about their porn watching habits or China has some explaining to do.

Part of the possible reason why China came in first over countries such as the United Kingdom and Mexico who themselves had some pretty questionable porn habits, is reflective of another growing trend in China.

As we have covered in past articles, Mainland China is currently going through an unprecedented economic growth that with it has created an explosion of disposable income that was once unavailable. Also they are no strangers to marathon porn watching.

Even the pandas are watching porn.

With this new influx of cash, many of the Chinese have gained a taste for the finer things in life including tech. Not surprisingly China has become the largest smartphone market in the world. Which could attest to why so much porn is watched in the office.

With the increase of jobs among the mainland the competition for these positions is at an all time high. So who knows maybe, the Chinese watch more porn at the office simply because the rigors of a newly capitalist society is so demanding they have to mix business with pleasure.

Or maybe they just really like porn, who knows? Either way congrats to China for winning the dubious achievement of watching the most porn at work!

Source: NextShark

Written by Editorial Staff