Amped Asia

Adult (Anime) Virtual Reality – The Future Just Came

If some unemployed punk in New Jersey, can get a cassette to make love to Elle McPherson for $19.95, this virtual reality stuff is going to make crack look like Sanka. – Dennis Miller

Adult Virtual Reality – The Future Just Came
Guest post by Dr. Kidotai, ImagineVR

This quote, uttered sometime in the 1990’s, could join the ranks of Warhol’s, “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes” in terms of its ability to define the world-wide zeitgeist. Virtual reality has traveled its way through history on a rocky road, first coming to prominence in the ‘90s, crashing and burning its way out of the limelight, and then clawing its way back in the last five years. It’s a path that was seen with video game home consoles with the fall of Atari and the rise of Nintendo in the ‘80s. And like video games, it is not going anywhere.

But unlike video games, which went for the family friendly approach upon revival, virtual reality is coming out of the gate with adult-focused entertainment and little by little, making Dennis Miller’s prophetic words come alive.

While ultra-immersive gameplay is a big draw for virtual reality, the most visually lifelike erotic experiences ever seen are starting to appear as well. On one end, we have panoramic video, where while staying put, the user sees a scene unfold around them. However, the more interesting content is all computer generated with lifelike animations offering never before seen interactivity.

At this year’s Anime Expo, we demonstrated a scene where a user could see their own hands inside virtual reality and watch a woman react to your touch. Other experiences allow the user to put themselves in a variety of positions with a woman who will do anything to please you. This interactivity enhances the experience in such a visceral way that users are constantly seeking more content and even shelling out their hard-earned dollars to support budding projects on Patreon. Most experiences, however, only let you interact with the default controllers or gamepads, leaving more to be desired.

One of our newest projects on is called Let’s Play with Nanai by VRJCC. This game, which has been covered by Anime News Network, does not only let you move a lithe young woman into a variety of salacious positions, but even lets you physically move her around. It uses revolutionary technology where when you move around your cell phone, it moves around the woman. So, if you’re lying in bed and put your cell phone on your hips and it moves up and down, she does as well. This is the kind of immersion that opens the road for making crack look even like water.

We were lucky enough to sit down to an interview with VRJCC, the creators of Let’s Play with Nanai to ask about the future of the project.

Thank you for creating “Let’s Play with Nanai!” and thank you for sitting down with us. Some users have been asking, what kind of environment do you recommend for experiencing “Let’s Play with Nanai!”? Should it be played in bed?

I think that the top of the bed is the best. We use an inflatable doll in which you can place your smart phone. If you can use a more lifelike doll, you can feel Nanai more realistically. Be sure to lock the bedroom door and play in private!

What features do you want to add in the future?

There are lots of things, but first of all, we want to make the movement and voice feel more natural and real. We also want to change the room layout and Nanai’s costume and depict the position of the inflatable doll more accurately as well. In the future, I want to show the user’s hands in the scene.

Do you plan to adopt any new characters?

Currently our hands are still full with Nanai-chan, but we’d like to do it in the future.

Are there any controllers or input that will be supported in the future?

I would like to use the HTC Vive and the Oculus Rift’s motion controllers. Also, it is currently under wraps, but I have made a very revolutionary breakthrough using a special device. Stay tuned!

Please tell us what technologies you are most interested in for the future.

I am interested in technologies that provide tactile sensation. At the moment, nothing has been decided, but I expect to have something in the future.

We at ImagineVR are very excited to see what comes next. In the mean time, there are already a lot of great virtual reality experiences you can try at With titles like FemDom, Beach HouSeX, and SinVR’s Rodeo Girl, which is a must-try for any Westworld fans, we’re sure you’ll have your hands full for a long time.

And by the way, if you do not have an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, you can use services like RiftCat to view ImagineVR’s virtual reality content on your cell phone with a cardboard viewer!

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Written by Hugh Huynh