Amped Asia

RSD Julien Blanc, this Racist Pick Up Artist Needs to Be Stopped

Julien Blanc. Real Social Dynamics. You need to be stopped.

Recently a video has got the citizens in Japan outraged. In it, Julien Blanc, a “pick-up artist” from the company Real Social Dynamics teaches a room of students how to pick up Japanese women. Here’s a transcription:

“At least in Tokyo, if you’re a white male, you can do what you want. I’m just romping through the streets, just grabbing girls’ heads, just like, head, pfft on the dick. Head, on the dick, yelling, ‘pikachu,’ with a pikachu shirt.”

Basically, racist remarks, molestation, and  are what you say “works” while picking up women in Tokyo. Furthermore the way he says it screams of being an entitled White guy — apparently he thinks that White men are some kind of superior race when they come to Tokyo.

Watch the full video below.

Furthermore he also advocates speaking with a “Japanese accent” so that the locals can understand him.

“Say ‘Taxi surul’ or ‘Lovuu hotelluu’ so they understand you,” Julien tells his students.

This guy is a fucking pig. Can some Yakuza teach him a lesson the next time he goes to Tokyo?

Two things I suggest you do:

Written by Megumi Tanaka