Amped Asia

Leaders Being Lousy: Hong Kong Lawmakers Caught Watching Sexy Videos Instead Of Working

These Hong Kong lawmakers were caught slacking on the job. What they were watching will surprise you. Read on to find out more.

Look we understand that politicians, as slimy and promise breaking as they might be, are humans just like us. They aren’t perfect and from time to time they make mistakes just like us regular folk.

But this doesn’t excuse the recent behavior of one of the lawmakers of Hong Kong’s Legislative Council. Lawmaker Wong Ting-kwong was caught slacking on the job during the recent controversial debates over the proposal for election reform in Hong Kong.

What was so important that distracted Wong Ting-kwong’s attention from important legislative reform? Why watching videos of sexy trick pool shots of course!

I mean.. I guess this is better than LOL Cats?

Wong was caught watching these sexy videos of women playing pool during the the legal session which lasted from 11AM-8pm. While his peers voiced their opinions on the now vetoed proposal, Wong focused his attention on the bigger issues. Which apparently is how to make a wicked side pocket shot.

This is what he was watching….

To be fair we would rather fillbuster her than talk about reforms.

We all make mistakes, but COME ON! It wasn’t like this was a waiter getting a quick game of Clash of Clans in between shifts. No this was a lawmaker in charge of making public policy that could greatly effect the citizens of Hong Kong and their livelihood!

Needless to say the citizens of Hong Kong have not been too pleased with seeing their leaders take such callous attitudes toward making the important decisions. Especially since Wong has been caught slacking on the job before.

Either he is deep in thought or we really need to re-elect.

It might sound like we are being hard on Wong, but to be fair he isn’t the only one slacking. Which is why this egregious apathy toward public service is all the more intolerable. Take Albert Ho, another Hong Kong lawmaker who last May was spotted perusing pictures of sexy models instead of you know, DOING HIS JOB!

Albert Ho, in more ways than one.

His fingers have been lingering on that one spot for an unsettling period of time.

“Damnit…ten more minutes until my troops are ready for battle. ” Don’t worry he is talking about Clash of Clans and not militarizing Hong Kong.

This will really help get our schools made, pave our roads, and instill trust from the public!


Written by Editorial Staff