Amped Asia

This Cute Asian Girl Shares 6 Personal Hygiene Tips to Help You Get Laid More

After talking to some Asian guy friends and watching a numerous amount of Asian porn, I’ve observed that many Asian guys like to go all-natural down there. I realized that I have quite a disdain for big bushy pubic hair. That got me thinking… Is there anything else that Asian guys overlook when it comes to personal hygiene?

Here are some helpful tips from a very observant Asian girl:

1) Too MUCH Cologne

Hey you Casanovas out there! 1-2 sprays of cologne please! Some guys just reek of the stuff and nothing smells more like desperation than a man who smells like he’s been bathing in the stuff. Personally, if I get a slight catch of your fragrance, I feel more drawn. “Ooo how mysterious…” If I smell you from across the room then I will probably say, “Ugh” and faint from chemicals. Here’s the thing, when you spray cologne on you get used to the smell so you don’t realize how strongly you smell. For a passerby, your cologne is much stronger. Also consider your location — nightclubs tend to mask the cologne smell because there are so many sweaty people in one area that you can increase your cologne usage a bit, but in a professional setting like an office you might be making your co-workers high.

2)  Smell Fresh (Everywhere!)

No matter what the circumstances are, you better not have hot breath! Being Asian and all, I know we can eat some delicious but bad for our breath kind of food. Prime examples include fish sauce, kimchi, etc… When there’s a cute guy I’m launching googly eyes at, and then I find his mouth odor is unpleasant, I immediately close my nostrils off and when the time feels right, I make a break for it. Don’t just brush your teeth, brush your TONGUE as well because bacteria on your tongue causes a lot of bad breath odors. Floss at least once a day, and especially before hitting the clubs or going on a date because the food that gets stuck in your teeth causes a shitty odor. As a final note, make sure you have gum on you at ALL times.

This goes the same for body odor and don’t you dare mask a sweaty gross day with cologne, or (GASP…) AXE BODY SPRAY! That’s literally the worst smell ever… ugh. So you want to play the game? Then I can’t stress enough about personal hygiene.

3)  Fear the Brow

Remember to maintain uni-brow free, less you find a freaky gal that loves that slinky caterpillar. I see WAY too many Asian guys who have a unibrow or are developing a unibrow. Get that shit shaved.

4) Keep Your Face Clean

No one likes pimples, and guys unfortunately don’t have the option of using makeup. That’s why keeping your face clean should be a bigger priority for guys than girls. Unfortunately, most of my Asian guy friends have never even used a facial cleanser! That’s GROSS. Have nice radiant skin and you’ll get more girls’ panties to drop. Jk. (Maybe)

Also, I hate seeing oily shiny faces on guys AND girls, so make sure you wipe that down if you ever get that. Toilet paper and especially the “dirty seat” paper in public restrooms can help you remove some of that shine. I know you guys don’t have the option of using a matte face powder so you have to pay even more attention to it.

5)  Trim Your Mothaf*ckin Pubes

When I watch Japanese porn, I notice that a majority of the Asian men and women take the au naturel approach to dealing with hair down there. Picture a bonsai tree, you have to trim it every now and then and when you do, it looks better! Think bigger… My point is, everyone should keep it well-trimmed down there… Who finds incredible hairy junk attractive? I’m not saying scorch the whole dang Earth clean but a little trim here and there, BAM! Instantly more desirable junk! (Well, you can go ahead and scorch the balls clean actually…)

Want more blowjobs? Bottom line is trim your hair down there. I don’t want to choke on one of your pubes and die.

6)  Wash Your Junk

Relating to point #5 please take care to thoroughly keep your junk washed and clean! With SOAP. Like chicks, guys will develop a rather funky smell down there collected from our long day’s perspiration. Nothing stops the horny faster than a girl being stopped dead in her tracks trying to go down on you only to find that terrible smelly smell. That’s fucking gross. We girls will do the same, thanks.

Here’s a quick tip — if you’re about to get down with a girl, go into the bathroom for 2 minutes and wipe down your “stuff” a bit with several pieces of toilet paper and a little bathroom soap. Then wash it with another piece of toilet paper thoroughly so there’s no soapy residue.

Another tip is put a little baby powder on your penis before a night out. Believe me, this works. Keeps you smelling fresh the whole night.

I hope this helped or perhaps was just a nudging reminder for you guys reading out there. Being well groomed doesn’t just make you more appealing and sexy but also connects to the belief that your body is a temple. Why wouldn’t you want to respect and take care of your own temple? (…and make it smell nice) hahah.

Written by Emma