Amped Asia

Chinese Officials Accused of Paying for Whores

Officials in a Mainland Chinese village get caught red handed whoring it up. Read on to find out more about this tale of government corruption.

It is no secret that with the influx of money in Mainland China’s economy in the past decade, many of the officials within the Chinese government have benefited greatly at the expense of its citizens.

A recent story about the Party Secretary and Branch Deputy Secretary of a village in Yanjin County, Yunnan have added to the laundry list of corrupt infractions levied against many of China’s ruling party.

The Party Secretary and Branch Deputy Secretary are being accused of their involvement in corruption, gambling, illegally taking farmland, and WHORING.

Now most of this is pretty standard stuff in terms of allegations of Chinese officials. What isn’t quite as standard is the incriminating evidence caught by concerned citizens. Take a look:

We really doubt they are discussing how to better the education infrastructure.

They have not released the names of the officials yet, but judging by the lower half of this man’s face… are we not sure this is PSY?

The two officials, whose names have yet been released, are allegedly seen here with, well let’s just say women of “ill repute.”

Now we ain’t saying that just because these women are scantily that means they are whores or because of the shit eating grins of the accused officials, especially the one with a hand all up on his crotch that this is for sure prostitution.

But we are saying that we do not know many official government meetings that happen at places with bottle service and fuzzy purple couches. Just saying.

So the next time you rightfully complain about the corruption of your government wherever you may call home, at least know that it could be worse somewhere else out there. They could be using your hard earned tax dollars to be hanging out on a fuzzy purple couch with a chain smoking lady of the night.


Written by Editorial Staff