Amped Asia

Chinese Man Suffers Broken Penis While Watching Porn…ON HIS SCOOTER

If texting while driving wasn’t unsafe enough, a Chinese man ups the ante by watching porn while cruising on his scooter. Read on to find out more.

A news story coming out of Guandong, China has officially captured our attention at the Amped Asia offices. The story is of a man named Yu who allegedly has “broken” his penis due to falling off a scooter.

This wasn’t his ride, but we kind of wish it were…

If the story of a man breaking his penis due to falling off a mo-ped wasn’t sad enough, did we mention his injury is largely due to the fact that while he was riding “bitch” seat on the back of a taxi mo-ped he was also watching porn on his phone?

You see this tiny detail is quite a crucial key to understanding Yu’s injury. Apparently his fall was largely due to the fact that while he was sitting THIRD to a scooter, Yu’s hands were preoccupied. That’s right, Yu was sitting behind two other people on a scooter taxi, a common method of transportation throughout Asia. We hope that he was only holding his phone, but given that he was watching porn while sitting behind presumably two other strangers on a scooter we have no idea the depravity this Yu is capable of.

Surprisingly mostly dudes chose to sign his cast.


After the ride began, the driver of the mo-ped apparently ran over a bump which caused Yu to fly off the back of the scooter. Since his hands were full at the moment with hopefully only his phone, Yu was unable to brace himself for the turbulent ride. Thus he fell off the scooter landing harshly onto his penis.

Should of worn a helmet…

Yu was rushed to the hospital where the doctors, for lack of a better term, informed Yu he had “broke his penis.”Currently Yu is trying to sue the driver for $65,000 (403497.25 RMB).

Whether or not he is successful in his lawsuit is yet to be seen. However one bright side of this whole ordeal is that he at least had a comical and shabbily made CGI re-enactment news story made about his ordeal:

His penis may be lost but its infamy lives forever on the interwebz.



Written by Editorial Staff