Amped Asia

Asian-American MTV Star Laughs at David Dao’s Assault

Korean-American comedian, Esther Ku, joked last week about David Dao’s infamous assault. Ku who has been seen on MTV, shows “Girl Code” and “Wild ‘N Out,” has over 100,000 followers on Twitter and about 40,000 followers on Instagram who get a daily dose of her controversial and racially tinged jokes. Recently, Ku posted a video on her twitter about United Airlines and making fun of the Assault of Dr. David Dao

“As someone who’s been beaten by Asian men, I play that video over and over again and jerked off a million times…” Ku said in the video.

Ku has been called the  “Asian Sarah Silverman.”

“When I have kids, they’re going to be really weird looking. Because they’re going to be half Asian and half regular. And people are always like ‘you don’t like Asian guys?’ and I’m like ‘no, I like regular people’. Because regular people have regular sized sausages.”

“When I’m driving at night and I hit a black person, it’s not really my fault.”“It’s really dark in here. So if there are any [black people] in the audience, smile for me!”

“White chicks are alway like ‘I hate you! You are so skinny! How did you get so skinny?’ I always tell them the same thing every time. ‘Just do what we do! Eat with chopsticks, because we can’t pick shit up with those things either.”

Source: NextShark


Written by Diego Chong