Amped Asia

Stephanie Ly is One of Canada’s Finest

On September 17th, 2006, we had a nice chat with import model, Stephanie Ly. We talked about her personal life, her modeling career, and some other miscellaneous items. All pictures are property of Stephanie Ly and her website

Where do you currently reside?
Stephanie: I’m currently between Calgary and Toronto, Canada.

What cities in the United States do you like to visit or visit often and why?
Stephanie: I like LA, because there’s always something going on…but my favorite city so far is San Diego.

You got an accounting degree during your college years, modeling and accounting is pretty different, so how and why did you switch to modeling?
Stephanie: I switched because I wanted to try something different, besides I loved travelling and meeting new people.

What was your first step into the modeling world?
Stephanie: I just did a carshow as a favor, and I kept getting asked back, then eventually I got picked up for the sportcompactnights tour as their official spokesmodel for 2005 and 2006, and I got signed to PMGirls in 2005. It just snowballed after that.

What kind of modeling do you do, is it only for imports?
Stephanie: It started initially as import, but its grown to movies, videos, my own website, print, and ads as well…I’ve been lucky!!

You’ve been in movies? What movies?
Stephanie: Well I did a couple small parts for 2 films coming out this year

Your photoshoots are pretty risque, are you considering to model nude or have you shot nudes in the past?
Stephanie: I’ve considered doing Playboy, but for now, I’m not ready to take that step. My photos on my site are full nude implieds and that’s as far as I’m going for now!

What companies have you worked for? and which ones did you especially enjoy working for?
Stephanie: Bfgoodrich, vspooled, pasmag, twc, oh my gosh I don’t even remember all of them! But I’d have to say, my year as Ms.bfgoodrich was awesome!

So what was your biggest accomplishment as model?
Stephanie: So far, it was getting my cover of Pasmag, June 2006, I also got chosen to be one of Tila’s playgirls in Vegas back in july.

What work are you doing these days?
Stephanie: I’m still attending HIN shows with the PMgirls, just finished the SCN tour up in Canada, and am still gogo dancing all over America! I’m working on doing more print and TV next year.

How is the modeling industry? Is there a lot of sex, drugs, violence involved, or is this just a preconceived idea that is totally untrue?
Stephanie: Mmmm I see it, but I’m pretty chill…I don’t do drugs, or sleep around, I’m probably the girl that goes to her room early every night…hahaha unless I’m working and dancing.

Have you ever gotten any form of plastic surgery? If so, which part have you altered and why?
Stephanie: Yep…I got my boobs done…and I’m not scared to admit it hahahah. Its not a big deal.

What are some of the models that you have worked with and who do you enjoy working with/are friends with?
Stephanie: My best girlfriend, Carolyn Savage of course…and all the pmgirls of course…they’re like my sisters!

Describe a busy day in your life? Do you party, go to photoshoots, relaxing?
Stephanie: Hmmm…if I’m on the road, I’m usually being shipped here and there doing photoshots until the early morning sometimes, then shows or dancing. But if I’m at home, usually I go to work during the day, come home, pet my dogs, shower and change, answer my emails, then change and go to my bartending job, then come home and work on other things.

What is the best part about the modeling biz?
Stephanie: The best part is getting flown everywhere!!

What about the worst part?
Stephanie: The worst part is having to get up early for those flights, and early shoots… but really, I don’t mind it.

For anyone aspiring to become a model, how hard is it to become successful? Is it easy to make a good living in this business?
Stephanie: It takes more than good looks, be determined…make goals…never settle for less…and be smart! There are a lot of pretty girls…you need personality to stand out

Currently, are you in a relationship?
Stephanie: I’m unavailable…meaning I’m not looking for anyone…too busy!!

Well if you were to be less busy, what kind of traits would you look for in men?
Stephanie: Humor…I need a guy that can make me laugh so hard I can’t breathe.

Haha, thats what every one says, but what about some physical traits?
Stephanie: Ummm….I don’t have a specific type….I can definitely look past their looks if they have personality…I’ve always dated Asians though.

Haha, that’s great to hear, most of the visitors on our site are Asian.
Stephanie: Send em over hahaha. Just kidding.

How have men hooked up with you in the past? What signals do you give men?
Stephanie: When I really like a guy, I get a little shy…I don’t know why. Some guys have just came up to me and made me crack up, and I thought…what the hell, lets hang out.

Would you ever ask out a guy? Or do you let them ask you out?
Stephanie: I let it flow… asking out is so high school hahaha.

Our site is mainly an Asian entertainment portal, so we were wondering, do you like Asian movies or music?
Stephanie: I love Asian movies!! And the music, but I don’t keep up with it…its just when people have it on..I’m all over it!

What kind of Asian movies do you like?
Stephanie: I’m an action movie type…lots of gun fights and sex haha.

Any celebrity crushes? especially asian celebrities?
Stephanie: I don’t know many Asian celebrities, but I love the Korean singer, Rain.

Ah ok, yeah we know many girls are crazy about Rain.

What are some of your goals as model? Are you looking to expand into film roles perhaps? Or become a bigger name in the modeling industry?
Stephanie: I am hoping to do more television, I co-hosted BiteTV in Canada, and did a couple small acting roles this year. So I want to expand and have bigger parts eventually. I love modelling, but I want to expand.

Ok, to wrap this up, tell us about your official website and give any last words for your fans.
Stephanie: Come visit me at!! And thank you for ur support and love! Come see me when I’m in your city!!!!!

Written by Editorial Staff