Amped Asia

South Korean Companies Spent Over 1 Billion on Prostitution Last Year

A study in the Korean Observer has found that 1 billion dollars was spent on prostitution or sex-related expenses. And this number only counts the amount spent with corporate credit cards. Paid sex = tax break. Sign me up to work for that company!

While prostitution is illegal in South Korea, the sex industry is still thriving. In fact according to the latest study, it makes up for about 4% of the GDP of the entire nation. Businesses spent $733.1 million at “room salons,” $100 million at “high class” brothels, and $206.9 million at hostess karaoke bars. NextShark provided a link to a Reddit thread that listed several of the different prostitution venues in South Korea.

According to sources in Korea, the government lets these illegal activities slide because they generate so much revenue for the economy, however, a new law apparently demands that entertainment companies provide a breakdown of entertainment expenses that cost over $500,000.

An interesting revelation for a society that is deemed morally conservative.

Source: NextShark, Koream.

Written by Larry Vo