Amped Asia

Perfect Asian Pinup Girls

Want a taste of nostalgia? Checkout these Perfect Asian Pinup girls that remind us of a simpler and sexier time. Read on to find out more.

Today being Thursday, inevitably your various social media news feeds will be bombarded by an insane amount of “Throwback Thursday” pics, most of which are of your lame online “friend’s” and their awkward teenage years. Now to be fair some of them are pretty good, but let’s all be honest, the week is long enough without having to be pictorially reminded that that one girl you embarrassingly hooked up with randomly at the club and now is your awkward Facebook friend used to be a hardcore fan of Smash Mouth. Hey they can’t all be “All Stars,” so in order to help you break up the monotony of your Thursday grind, check out these sexy throwbacks to classic pinup girls!

As interested as we are of this gorgeous gal, we are equally if not more interested in Hamburger Mary’s behind her.

Who knew you could make granny panties so sexy?

Everybody say hello to Winny, because you are going to see a lot of her on this list, and that ain’t a bad thing.

It’s like the Asian Lois Lane and we love it! Even though Supes really should have ended up with Lana Lang.. but that’s a different topic all together.

We where worried about suburban life at first, but hey if this is what we have to come home to we can live with that.

We would give anything to be a fly on the wall at that slumber party…

This is EEEExactly what we were looking for.

She may be sitting on what looks to be a hard boiled egg, but we assure you it’s not as hard boiled as what is in our pants right now.

Perfect Pin Up or Perfect Asian Lucille Ball impersonator?

You think this is good? Wait until we tell her that couch folds out to be a comfy twin futon!

A touch of modern, a touch of the past, and a dash of sexy.

If she needs something to keep her warm, she can save a mink and call us instead.

Not sure if that fierce look is scaring us or turning us on…maybe both?

Hawaii Five O MY GOD!

We are just as shocked at you are that your bra malfunctioned, but hey that’s what you get when you buy online clothes.

Pin Up pose mixed with OJ Simpson’s “If the glove don’t quit you must acquit” pose off.

Ikea has really upped their catalog photos.

Terrifically turquoise.

Fishnets are our did you know?

Even with what appears to be banana peels and apple shavings around her, she still looks stunning.

Oh Captain my Captain!

The phantom prom date pose.

That bow would make even Minnie Mouse envious.

The background looks like a set from Tales From the Crypt but she looks simply like heaven.

Rocking that pompadour like whoa.

I hope she invites us to pluck those petals.

Stylin and profilin

Why gif’s were made for.


Written by Editorial Staff