Amped Asia

MeowNicky x Ed Marcelino: This Asian Girl is On Fire

We had San Diego photographer Ed Marcelino shoot a sexy little set with @MeowNicky. Check out the results of the shoot and we also asked her 10 quick questions.

When did you begin modeling and what made you want to do it?

Nicky: I began modeling 3 years ago. I started it because many photographers kept asking me if I would like to try it or would shoot with them? Eventually gave in and started shooting with them. It was fun so I kinda stuck with it till now.

Where do you see your modeling career going?

Nicky: Modeling is fun! But it’s very competitive and with soo many beautiful women (and people) in this world it’s hard to make it a career. Lol so I’m just going with the flow. Wherever it takes me, I will follow.

Do you have a day job besides modeling?

Nicky: I am a nursing student and a server at a restaurant! Come visit Crab Hut if you’re ever in San Diego everyone! Lol if you want to catch crabs. Jk teehee.

What are you most passionate about in life?

I am most passionate about a lot of things in life. Oh dear, this list goes on! Working out at the gym and being active. Anime & games. My dog. And hmm. Helping/being kind to people as cliche and pageant girly as it sounds. I believe everyone can use a little helping hand in this world and always be sure to be kind to everyone! Everyone goes through difficult battles that they wanna hide from the world. We all are just trying to make it and be happy ! Mean people suck! Lol.

Describe a typical weekend for you.

Hanging with friends and my dog. Eating loads of yummy foods and desserts :D And I’m watching a lot of anime.

If you could have a lifetime supply of anything, what would it be?

Hmmm. Preworkout ? Jk. Haha. It would be desserts! I have a major sweet tooth! Sweets are the way to my heart lol.

Are you single or taken?


What’s your ideal guy?

A nice, sweet, adventurous, active, animal loving, romantic, spontaneous, goofy, & funny gentleman!

There has to be chemistry. Have you ever met a person and felt an instant chemistry and you would be able to feel comfortable and converse with them at ease? Maybe it’s because I’m cheesy and believe in having a soulmate and stuff lol. And I watch too much anime and Korean dramas that I fall in love with these impossible ideas of romance. Maybe that’s why I’m single haha.

What do YOU personally do to make a guy fall in love with you?

I will seduce them with my awkwardness. Lol. Being weird and proud!

If you could pick one fictional character to be your future husband, which one would it be?

Hmm fictional? I could use Clark Kent. Haha I need a superman in my life.

More Nicky


More Ed Marcelino

Instagram: @edmarcelino

Written by Megumi Tanaka