Amped Asia

Mandy Monroe is a Lovely Blonde Halfie

Photos by Ray Lum and Lucio Fratelli.

What’s your ethnicity?

I am half Russian and half Chinese. 

What made you want to try modeling?

I always knew since I was a little girl that I had a unique look, and I didn't want to waste that, plus I always liked attention! 

What’s something naughty you’ve done but you never got caught?

Touching my man in a movie theatre! 

If you want to look sexy, what do you wear?

6″ heels! 

What’s something your mom doesn’t know about you?

Nothing. She knows everything about me, I don't like secrets! 


If you want to have a crazy night, what would you do?

I wouldn't remember because it would start with 10 tequila shots in a row. 

Are you single or taken?

Happily taken :)

What do you think guys are doing wrong in terms of dating?

Being liars and cheaters. Talking to more than 1 girl at a time is not cool guys.


Why would you make a good girlfriend?

Because I am more than just a girlfriend, I'm a loyal wife with strong values and a heart full of love. 

Have you ever had an awkward or bad first date? What happened during the date?

I never really “dated”, so I got lucky there haha.


What signals do you give a guy when you’re interested in them?

It's been a while but it used to be the eye… 

In the first five minutes of meeting a guy, what gets you attracted to them?

If I get a good vibe off their energy we are off to a good start. 

Get more Mandy.
IG/Twitter: @themandymonroe


Written by kevinhype