Amped Asia

Farrah Bui

Farrah Bui is a cutie from Canada. She will be featured in our September, “Canada’s Finest” issue, so look out for that in the coming weeks.

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Photographs by Nhi Le, Andy Koo, and Jay Black.

For starters, what’s your ethnicity?

I’m half Vietnamese half French.

What do you do for a living

I’m a full time student But I also model and work in a restaurant part time!

What are you studying to become?

I’m currently a psychology major and a biology minor, so I’d definitely love a career in public health and medicine. Possibly some type of medical doctor? Or obtain a PhD in psychology so I can practice clinically.

Anyone ever tell you that you look a bit like Leighton Meester?

I’ve actually never gotten that before haha! People have told me that I look little bit like Selena Gomez, Kristin Kreuk, and Shay Mitchell though.

What is one thing you want to accomplish in the next 5 years?

Definitely be finished my Bachelor’s Degree and also to hopefully get somewhere in modeling.

Where do you hope modeling will take you? Do you want it to be a full-time career?

I love the feeling I get when I’m in front of a camera so if there was the option of doing it full time, who knows! But definitely I’d love to do a lot more photoshoots, and build up a larger network. And hopefully gain some exposure I also hope that maybe one day I’ll be able to inspire other girls to follow their hearts and dreams as I have with my adventure into modeling.

What’s the worst and best parts about living in Canada?

The worst part I’d say are the ridiculous gas prices hahaha! Also, after having been to the United States numerous times.. I’d say I hate our Mcdonalds’ prices as well haha so ridiculous when a Big Mac meal in the US is only $4.99!! The best part though is that people are so nice in Canada. Plus we have Tim Hortons, the king of donuts and coffee. Also, who wouldn’t wanna live in an igloo?? Hahahaha I don’t mind the health care coverage either.

What’s one thing everyone has to do if they visit Canada?

For sure they have to have some poutine!! It’s my favourite food of all time. And it also depends what city they’re visiting too! If people visit Vancouver, especially during the summer, they must ride a tandem bike around the Stanley Park sea wall haha.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I love going to the gym! Like I have to force myself to go sometimes hahaha but once I’m there and get a good sweat going, I always leave in a better mood with some more energy for the rest of my day! I also love reading, being at the beach, amusement parks, dancing, eating hahaha and I just love spending time with family and my close friends.

Currently are you single or taken?

I’m taken by a really amazing guy.

What makes him the guy for you?

He’s very supportive and encouraging with a sense of humour I just click with. We always have a lot of fun when we do things together. He’s also really honest which is something I appreciate in a guy!

What are your top 4 things you need in a guy?

1. Trust because if I can’t trust you, the relationship is just automatically really unhealthy. It would be really hard to be with someone if you’re constantly worried about what they’re doing behind your back or if they’re lying to you.

2. Sense of humour but not just ANY sense of humour hahaha. Everyone may find different things funny so if a guy cracks a lot of jokes that I just never understand or don’t find funny, or vice versa, that could be a bit of a damper on a relationship.

3. I need a guy to be supportive. Not financially but emotionally. If I’m going through something horrible or I’m just feeling down, it’d be nice for the person I’m with to be there for me and be comforting.

4. And finally respect. In a relationship I expect things to be equal at 50/50 in effort, in our feelings for one another.. Respect means a lot of things because it also means understanding that my life isn’t just our relationship but also includes my friends, family, education, modeling etc. It also means being polite towards my family. I also think respect in a relationship means that you understand that your partner is their own person and can make their own decisions.

What are your biggest turn offs in a guy?

Definitely poor hygiene, poor sense of humour, and arrogant.

What’s one piece of dating advice you’d give to guys?

Don’t play games!! If you went on a date with a girl and didn’t think you clicked, don’t keep leading her on into thinking you were into her. Just politely let her know you don’t think you’re a match! Be confident, hygienic, and ask her questions about herself! Don’t make it all about you.

What’s one thing your mom doesn’t know about you?

Everything and anything I’ve ever tried to hide from my mom, she’s ended finding out one way or another so I’d say she knows everything about me. Unfortunately. hahaha! Sometimes I steal her chocolates and she thinks it’s my stepdad. HAHA.

What are 3 reasons a guy would want you as his girlfriend?

I can cook Vietnamese food!! You name it! Pho, bun bo hue, I can make it My back massages work miracles! I’m also very outgoing and adventurous! I’ll try anything at least once.

Tell us one more interesting fact about yourself

I can do the splits!

Where can we find you online? 

Instagram: http://www.

Written by kevinhype