Amped Asia

Diamond Zaang Has Great “Nipples”

Diamond Zaang is featured in the November 2013 issue of Amped Asia. Subscribe for free today.

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Tell me a little bit about yourself.

I’m Diamond Zaang and I’m a foot model for a shoe company. But I also do import modeling, fashion, promo work, tradeshow work. So look me up.

How did you decide to wear color contacts?

Well the eyes are like the nipples of the face. So I wanted to give you some nice nipples to look at.

Pretty good nipples.

Haha thanks.

How did you decide to do your hair?

Well I’m not going to lie. I’m a trend follower. That’s why I have an ombre.

Why did you decide to model?

I’ve always been interested in modeling. I like the beauty aspect of it and just wanted to be a part of that.

What are the biggest obstacles you face as a model?

I would have to say there’s a lot of competition. There’s always a lot of other girls that are pretty, but it’s hard because there’s so many girls who wants this really bad. You have to find out your own style to stand out from the rest.

I also think its hard to accept myself and all my flaws before the world accepts.

And third it’s networking. It’s hard to find good people to work with, sponsors, and even friends.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

I don’t think I can tell you!

Fine, what’s the 3rd most crazy thing?

Haha, after 1 and 2, I’m actually not that crazy. But 1 and 2 are really crazy… I mean really cray.

What’s something that most people don’t know about you?

That I’m full Vietnamese. Most people think I’m Filipino or Mexican.

Are you currently single or taken?

I’m currently taken… but please don’t unfollow me guys!

What kind of traits do you like in a guy?

Honestly I really care about personality. How you look doesn’t matter. The interior matters a lot more than the exterior. I like a person who is genuinely nice person. We need to get along.

What’s a dating tip you’d give a guy?

Always have chocolates. If she doesn’t flip out and you have chocolates then you’re sweet. If she is flipping out, just bust out the chocolates and she’ll be fine =)

What’s something you want people to know about you?

That I love art. All forms of art. I like drawing, modeling.

What will you be doing in 5 years?

I want a stable job. Have a house. Have a pretty stable life and family.

What would you want to do with 1 million dollars?

I would donate most of it. I would donate to cancer research because it’s affected my family. I would donate it to one organization that helps Vietnamese teens because it’s hard for Vietnamese teens to assimilate into American culture, and I faced those hardships myself. Then with the rest, I might buy a car.

When you bring your new car to the import shows, can I model for it?

Oh of course. I wouldn’t want anyone else except for you to model for my car.

Check out Diamond Zaang online at

Instagram: @teezang
Twitter: @diamondzaang
Facebook: Diamond Zaang

Written by kevinhype