Amped Asia

Catherine Lynn Stuns in Her Latest Boudoir Shoot

We’ve featured the lovely Catherine Lynn on Amped Asia before, so it’s not her first rodeo. Since then she’s done
a lot of cool things and has collaborated a bunch of time with our photographers. Check out the sexy photos from resident photographer, Bryan Miraflor.

photos by Bryan Miraflor (@bryanmiraflor on Instagram)

First off, tell us a little bit about yourself! Who you are, what you do, what you’ve been up to since we last interviewed you!

Hi Amped Asia! Catherine Lynn 
is “back at it again!” Get it? So
much has happened since our last interview. It’s actually been exactly a year since I last talked with you guys. I have been blessed with so many things up to date. A lot has changed in the best ways. My modeling career has progressed, I’ve gotten to travel to many new places, I have been getting amazing sponsors and I graduate from school very soon. All exciting things!

Rank these 3 from most to least important when it comes to dating: having money, having style, being tall.

This question makes me sound like a gold digger! Haha but, let’s be real. Having Style (least important), then being tall, then having money (most important).

What’s your #1 dealbreaker when it comes to guys?


Have you ever made the first move on a guy? If so tell us how it happened.

Hmm, let’s put it this way. If I am really interested in a guy, I will make it known.

How has a guy gotten your attention in the past?

By making me laugh!

What is something you remember from a past date that completely turned you off?

When he has made it very clear that he just wants to hook up with me and that’s it.

If you were on a date, what are 3 things you’d be talking about?

Simply, things that will help us get to know each other. I like hearing what someone is passionate about. It’s nice to talk to a man with substance. What do you see yourself doing in the future? It’s attractive when a man knows where he is going in life. What do you like to do on your downtime? Having fun and being silly in a relationship is one of the top most important things to me!

What’s the most important part about good sex?

Making sure both parties finish ;)

It’s Friday night. Which of these three things are you most likely to be doing? 1) Chilling with just a few friends. 2) Wild partying. 3) Spending the night with a special someone.

All three options happen on occasion. However, spending the night with a special someone is the most appealing to me.

If you could only eat 1 food for the rest of your life (and still live), what would it be?
PASTA. I could eat pasta everyday, 3 times a day.

Where can we find you online?
IG: @misscatherinelynn
Twitter: @mscatherinelynn
Snap: @rinrinex3
Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/misscatherinelynn

I would like to thank Amped Asia Magazine for having me again! I always have a great time with you guys. Thank you to my fans for your constant love and support! Love you guys

Written by Hugh Huynh