Amped Asia

Bambi J x Kenneth Lam: This Chinese Doll is Stunning

Bambi J is a beautiful model that came from a submission by Kenneth Lam. Check out the full interview and the delicious photos in this post.

What’s your ethnicity?

I’m full Chinese.

What made you want to try modeling?

A few years ago my friend asked me to help him model some clothes that he was trying to sell and it just started from there.

Do you have a “day job” besides modeling?

I’m still a student. I work part-time at a Karaoke place but I guess it’s not exactly a day job.

What’s something naughty you’ve done but you never got caught?

Peeing in the pool? besides that it would be doing it at the mall. Washrooms, staircases, fitting rooms…somehow I loved doing that a lot when I was a teenager.

If you could try something crazy once, what would it be?

I feel like I’ve done all the crazy things I can think of so far. So nothing in mind. For now.

If you could switch places with someone for 24 hours, who would it be and what would you do?

To be honest, there’s no one I’d wanna switch places with. I love my life too much to miss anything even just for a day.

Describe your typical weekend.

I usually have night shifts from 9pm to 4am on weekends. I take my dog to the beach in the day sometimes and spend the rest of the day lying on the couch with my cats.

What is the sexiest part on your body?

My tummy. I have a fit belly and a very small waistline.

Are you single or taken?


Why is he the right person for you?

We understand each other so well it’s almost like our minds are in sync. Plus he manages to be so loving and caring without being clingy.

Have you ever had an awkward or bad first date? What happened during the date?

Most of my first dates seem awkward. A lot of guys I meet are so uptight on first dates, that I have to keep coming up with new topics until I run out. But it gets better after, that’s why I usually would still give it another try if the guy’s cute.

What signals do you give a guy when you’re interested in them?

Besides flirting and giggling I tell them straight up. Cuz sometimes guys think I flirt with just anyone.

What are 3 qualities in a man that you like?

Honest, spontaneous and physically strong.

What’s one dating tip you’d give to men?

Don’t be too pushy, seriously, that’s a huge turnoff guys.

Where can we find you online?

Instagram: @bambi_dolll

Photographer Kenneth Lam

Model Mayhem:




Written by Editorial Staff