Amped Asia

Anhie Win For The Win

Ahnie Win

Photos by Bryan Miraflor

Are you single or taken?

I am single.

What’s the #1 problem with dating in this day and age?

You can’t trust your partner no matter what he does. There’s always trust issues.

What’s something you’d want your (current or future) man to wear to look his best? Get specific =)

I like my man in a suit and tie. And chill day just sweats.

Have you ever made the first move on a guy? If so tell us how it happened?

I usually make the first move. I’m into shy guys. The aggressive guy can “be a man” but sometimes he forces things. The shy ones are respectful and waiting for the ladies to make the move.

Personality is obviously the most important thing about a man, but what’s the most important after that for you? Looks or money?

The next important thing is what he wants for his future and goals if he has any.

If a guy were to approach you, what should he say to you?

I love your smile and I want to get to know you. Something along those lines.

What aspects of a guy get your attention?

His eyes and smile. His teeth better white asf. Jk. Lol.

What’s something naughty you’ve done but you never got caught?

Having sex in the library.

If you were on a date, what are 3 things you’d want a guy to be able to talk about?

His past, what he likes to do, and his future plans.

Is it more important for a guy to be good in bed or good at conversation?

I would say conversation because if you can’t keep up with the convo with me then it’s hard to last. It will get boring.

Plan out your ideal first date. Where would you go and what would you do?

My ideal first date is going to a hookah bar. That way it’s relaxing, smoke, and talk and get to know each other. Going on dinner dates are the worst because I’ll be too busy eating lol.

Which would be worse — never having sex the rest of your life or never eating food the rest of your life (you would get nutrients through other means so you would still be alive)?

Personally, the worst would be never having sex. We are like animals and we like to hump things and do the real thing not the imitation things. We need “that” to release our stress to fulfill our daily life.

If you went lesbian, which girl would you go for?

I would definitely go for the hot yet cute girls. That girl would be Heather Lee @heatherlovelee

You can find me in IG, Facebook and Snapchat at @anhiewin

Written by Hugh Huynh