Amped Asia

Top 5 Reasons Being an Asian Guy is Awesome

So although there are some negative stereotypes about Asian men (like that one about us carrying small packages), in the end, Asian men still have it made.

Here are five reasons why being an Asian man is awesome, and if you’re Asian, be proud of your heritage.

5 – Asian American men have the least rate of divorces

Fifty percent of married American’s divorce compared to only 20-25% of Asians. This means more money for you (don’t have to split your wealth with your

divorced wife) and a happier and less lonely life.

4 – Asian men have amazing hair!

We have the best and easiest hair to style. Also we lack hair in places that are gross (like our chest, butt, and other areas)! This is really attractive to

women. Why do you want to date a werewolf?

3 – Asian men are perceived to have higher intelligence

Despite the negative stereotype that Asian men are nerdy, this is something that actually HELPS us when we enter the workplace. Even though your nerdiness

may have prevented you from getting a date in high school, ten years down the road, now it’s helping you bank six-figures. WOOHOO.

2 – Asian men are the richest in the United States

Directly correlated with reason #3 is reason #2. The median personal income of Asian Americans ($36,152) are slightly greater than White Americans ($33,030) and much greater than Black ($27,101) and Latino

($23,613) Americans. Household income showed the same difference rates, with Asians earning on average $61,000 compared to $48,000 for whites. Furthermore

about 28% of Asian American households had incomes exceeding $100,000, while only 18% of the overall population boasted such household incomes.

1 – Asian men mainly date the most desired race of women in the world – Asian women

Although debateable, there is much consensus that Asian women are the most desirable race of women on the planet. Yes, yellow fever is everywhere, and even though white and black men are getting some Asian women here and there, by far, the type of man that dates and marries the most Asian women are the Asian men.

Written by Editorial Staff