Amped Asia

Top 20 Jeremy Lin Nicknames

Editor’s Note: As many of you know, Jeremy Lin, graduate of Harvard University, was recently signed by NBA team Golden State Warriors. This is the first Asian-American in the NBA. We’ve had Asians in the NBA before, but never Asian Americans. Jeremy Lin will definitely go down in history remembered as a true underdog. This article is dedicated to his success in the NBA. – Lance

In celebration of Harvard graduate and fellow Asian American, Jeremy Lin, signing a two-year contract with his hometown Golden State Warriors,’s Andrew has compiled the first list of potential Jeremy Lin nicknames!

Twitter: @AndrewJFung

Here’s a list of the top 20 nicknames we could think of and be sure to post your own nicknames if you have any for him!

1. “Terracotta WARRIOR”
2. “The PhD” Player w/ a Harvard Degree
3. “ShaoLin”
4. “Poison Ivy”
5. “The Engineer”
6. “The Wall-Stopper”
7. “EVA Air”
8. “Harvard”
9. “Silicon Valley”
10. “The Great Wall of Palo Alto”
11. “Jet Lin”
12. “The Pacific Lin”
13. “EVA Air”
14. “The Economist”
15. “No J Lin” – If he doesn’t improve his jumper
16. “SchooLin U”
17. “Pastor Lin”
18. “The Chinese Disciple”
19. “Xiao Lin”
20. “The Great Yellow Hope”

Written by Editorial Staff