Amped Asia

The Whole Asian Girl White Guy Debacle: A Rant by Josh Li

As an Asian guy living in America, I am very painfully aware of this social phenomenon that has been pervading our society — the notion that Asian girls date a lot of White guys.

I have absolutely no problem with Asian women dating White guys. You go out there and date whomever you want. That’s none of my business.

BUT I do find these two things annoying and just incredibly racist.

The first – when Asian girls have a White boyfriend and then try to make it seem as if they’ve cured cancer. A LOT of you Asian girls are guilty of this. You go around telling people, “I ONLY date White guys” as if you’re in some kind of elite circle because you can date a Caucasian. Earth to Asian girl – “It’s not that fucking hard.” It’s actually pretty easy considering that we live in North America. You have not earned some medal of honor.

I admit some Asian guys are guilty of this too. There’s a few of us that go around with our White girlfriends/wives and make it seem as if we’re somehow transcendent being because we can date a supposedly “higher-status” race. There’s a lot LESS Asian guy/White Girl couples, so this doesn’t get brought up often, but it still happens and it still needs to stop.

Asian gals and guys. White people are not special. They are not better than Asian guys. They are not better than Asian girls. White people are just people just like everyone else. To put them on a pedestal and treat them like they are some kind of rare meat just makes you look bad.

Furthermore, when you say things like “I only date White guys,” it makes you look pretty fucking ignorant. As an Asian woman you’re implying this: “My WHOLE race is not worthy, and in fact, there is only one ethnicity in this world I am willing to date: CAUCASIAN. I am ignorant of the fact that all people are beautiful in their own way, and I only judge my potential mates based on one factor: race.”

You know what would be better (if you had a preference for White guys)? Just keeping that shit to yourself and not looking down upon your own race and your own father.

TWO. There’s also one other thing that really bothers me about Asian women these days. When Asian girls go out of their way to shame Asian men. How many times have you guys heard Asian girls say something like, “Asian guys have such small dicks. That’s why I don’t date them” … or “Asian guys have no balls.” I hear this kind of talk a lot, and it seriously pisses me off. It pisses me off even more when the Asian girl who says it tries to make it sound as if she's “better” than other Asians because she “doesn't date Asian guys.” This sucks when it's a non-Asian girl who says it, but it's just downright shameful when our own sisters say it. And don't pretend like it doesn't happen — I know countless Asian girls who make these sorts of implications.

Okay fine, you prefer White guys, but why go beyond that to perpetuate negative stereotypes and promote racism? GIRL! WTF! That’s like me going around saying, “Asian girls are all submissive geishas.”

Why are you trying to perpetuate these negative stereotypes? Why are you hating on our own kind?

Let’s face it, Asian guys don’t have the best stereotypes in the world right now. We’re hurting. We’re portrayed in the media as effeminate nerds and kung-fu fighters. We have almost no positive role models in Hollywood. Why then is there still so much hate coming from our own sisters? That’s akin to bullying the weakest kid in school or stealing from a homeless man.

Asian girls. I am completely fine with you dating whomever you want. It’s inevitable that some of you will find a White guy that you get along with. But please. Stop with the racism and self-hating speech.

To a world without racism. – Josh

Written by Josh Li