Top 10 Asian Femme Fatales in Fighting Games

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6) Kasumi (Dead or Alive)

“Took me about twenty minutes of staring until  I realized there were flamingos in this pic.”

Coming in as one the first, of many ninjas, on our list, the buxom shadow of the night was also the lead character for the first two games of the Dead or Alive series, a rarity in a genre dominated by male protagonists that are often Ryu clones. Ironic considering that her character’s storyline would later include having her 35-21-33 measurements cloned in later sequels. Add the well known, if not gratuitous pixelated giggling of the DOA franchise, her entry is rock solid on this list, as well as male gamers when playing the DOA series.

Dead or Alive Kasumi

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Written by kevinhype