Chinese People Have Found the Cure for Cancer, “Poop Water”

There’s a new “thing” going around in China — drinking water with animal feces in it. I shit you not.

In the village of Xiangtan in China’s Hunan province, a woman named Ma was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. Ma’s son decided to search for a non-traditional remedy and was recommended “excrement water” — which is is water mixed with sheep or cow poop.

Chinese Poop Water

What a delicacy…

And yes it worked. Ma’s health improved, and people in the small village started drinking the excrement water, which is made by drying the animal manure either in the sun or over a fire. Then it’s mixed in with water and drank 2 times a day.

Chinese Poop Water

Mmmm… that is some good manure.

Who here would rather die of lung cancer than drink poop every day?

Source: Elite Daily via Metro

Written by Larry Vo