Asian American Men and Dating Problems

If you’re an Asian male and you are having dating problems, then this article was tailor-made specifically for you. As an Asian male, I’ve also faced the same problems early on in my dating career, but I’ve found a way to change. This article will outline the problems and a few suggestions on how to fix your problems.

The problem isn’t that Asian men can’t find girls. A great number of Asian men get married or find a girlfriend. The real problem is that Asian men are just settling. As a child living in a predominantly white area, I had always wanted to be with white girls. Many of you are probably thinking the same thing. You know you want a hot blonde or a gorgeous brunette, heck, maybe you have a thing for Asian girls, but you want a really hot one. However, you’re stuck dating one of the blind dates that your mom set you on or that your friend set you on. The problem here is your limiting belief.

You don’t believe that you could date interracially or you believe that all the hot Asian girls are taken by the buff white men or you believe that you must be super-rich or handsome to attract beautiful women. Believe me that it doesn’t matter what ethnicity you are, anyone can attract anyone. The problem is too many people are buying into the stereotype that the American media has portrayed for Asian men (see this website: Do girls really prefer other ethnicities over Asians? Quite the opposite. Honestly, I was pretty surprised when I found out how many girls (Asian and non-Asian) actually PREFERRED Asian men. Just take a look at the following forum thread: These aren’t just ordinary women talking, these are EXOTIC DANCERS.

True, the amount of Asian men/Non-Asian woman couples are few and far between. However, I blame this on the traditional family beliefs that Asian men still hold and the fact that Asian women are still very desirable. But this trend is rapidly changing and we are seeing some more Asian men with women of other ethnicities.

But if you want to succeed with a beautiful woman, you must get rid of this limiting belief now.

Written by Editorial Staff

Asian American Men and Dating Problems

Another problem is the Asian man’s lack of social ability. Growing up, Asians were taught to study, work hard, and avoid unnecessary temptations. These things taught to us by our parents have limited our social abilities somewhat. So while our white friends were out partying and hooking up with girls, we were at home studying for our calculus exam. You will be rewarded for your hard work because after school, things only get better for us (better jobs + more money). Learning social skills is definitely easier than learning calculus.

If you were like me and studied a lot in school and barely went out, then you probably know that you lack somewhat in social skills. I remember I had a pal back in High School that was also Asian, not very good looking either, but he hooked up with the hottest girls on campus. Looking back, I realize that it really is the fact that he went to parties and learned how to deal with women that made him such a ladies’ man.

So what I did a few years ago (sophomore year in college) was I realized that I needed to get my social life handled and take a few risks. This meant that I had to get out of my comfort zone and experience some things that I previously would never have thought of doing such as going to a nightclub, hitting on girls at a frat party, starting conversations with random strangers. I picked different friends (no longer my World of Warcraft buddies) to hang out with on the weekends. By junior year I had dated three beautiful, spectacular women, and two of them were brunettes (third was Asian).

Start doing some social activities and you will find yourself becoming more and more adept at starting relationships and having a successful dating life.

The last thing I’m going to advise you to do right now is to understand women. Since your parents didn’t teach you anything right, you need to learn some things for your own. As an Asian male you were probably taught to make a lot of money so you can support your wife’s every desire. Woo her with flowers, jewelry, and give her everything she requests, and then she will come to you. Well I honestly don’t know if that works in Asia (highly highly doubt it), but in the States this advice will do the opposite of what you want.

There are a lot of resources on the internet for this kind of thing ( is a very good resource), so you definitely should read as much content as you can. I went through a stage where I read up on everything I could but I still wasn’t getting the results I desired. Reading will only get you so far, you need to apply the things that you learn.

Girls love to play games with you. Especially the hot ones. The beautiful ones know exactly how to get guys wrapped under their finger so they can play with them as they please. Many girls will keep guys around even if they don’t feel any attraction at all. Not only does this boost their ego, but it is a great way for them to get free stuff like dinners, movies, etc. It isn’t until a guy truly challenges them that they feel a strong attraction.

Learn how to be challenging to women, learn how to read their signals, learn their tricks, and then learn how to use this knowledge to make them chase you.

Until next post,


Written by Editorial Staff